How can we check at home the purity level of drinking water .
If we know about a dependable method of checking purity level of water being supplied, that will be great help.घर में पेयजल की गुणवत्ता को कैसे जांच सकते हैं?

सुनील कोहली
29 June 2009

There are very few parameters that should be monitored in supply water, these are 1. Bacteria 2. Resudual chlorine, normally t

Answered on: 40002.414525463

There are very few parameters that should be monitored in supply water, these are 1. Bacteria 2. Resudual chlorine, normally the rest parameter are already removed at the supllying point. to monitor bateria there are many process but you can get H2S strip bottels from your near by PHED office at free of cost. for resudual chlorine one can purchage a simple RCL monitoring kit @ Rs <300. from some scientic shops. if Resudual chlorine is nill in water and Bacteria are present then Highlight this issue by complaining at PHED office, Water Board, Jal Nigam, Municipality and also at DM Office.

Name: Pavitra Singh
Phone: 9410706109